Frequently asked questions

What is Coinkeel?
Coinkeel is an crypto mining platform where members can mining crypto and advertisers can promote their business to crypto users.
How does it work?
Login to your account, Start mining and withdraw your payments instantly in your crypto wallet.
How to Register here?
Registration is simple, you just need to follow the registration link, complete the details required and in less than 2 minutes you will have your account up and going.
How much can i mining?
You can mining unlimited amount of crypto from your referrals.
Can i register multiple accounts?
NO, you are not allowed to register multiple accounts under any circumstances, as advertisers pay for quality traffic, not the same person seeing their ad multiple times.
Can other people in the household register?
Only one person in the household can have an account and use it, any other created will result in considering as multiple accounts and closing all accounts related.

How can i refer people?
In your account you have a section for Referral Links & banners that can be used to advertise to promote your link and get more referrals for your account.
Can I refer friends?
Yes as long as they have their own computer and different internet than yours, different household.
What do i mining from referring people?
You can also mining for each of your referral mining.

Which sites are not allowed?
We do not accept sites that use frame breakers or promote adult content and illegal activities.
Advertisement visits are guaranteed?
Yes. you will get everything you purchased. plus extra from all non member views.
When Advertisement resets?
All ads are rest at 00:00 Server time which can be seen in advertisement page
The ad is not loading. What do I do?
We have no control over advertiser websites and we can't prevent them from going offline. If the timer does not start when the website fails to load, try using Google Chrome.

Are payments instant?
Yes. All incoming and outgoing payments in Coinkeel is performed instantly. You just need to wait for crypto confirmations.
What is the minimum withdrawal?
Minimum withdraw is 10000 Coins
Any Fees to withdraw?
We charge absolutely 0% for withdraws. However, you must pay the Crypto network fees.
Can I transfer Advertiser balance back to account balance or withdraw it?
No, once deposited into advertiser balance it cannot be transfered back