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Demystifying Cryptocurrency Slippage What Every Investor

PBT: Sep 26, 2023 at 12:35:19 PM
Demystifying Cryptocurrency Slippage What

Cryptocurrency slippage is a crucial concept for every investor to understand, as it can significantly impact the execution of trades and, subsequently, your profits or losses. In this article, we'll demystify cryptocurrency slippage and explain what every investor should know about it.

What Is Slippage?

It occurs in all financial markets, including the cryptocurrency market, and is a result of various factors such as market volatility, order size, and liquidity.

Causes of Cryptocurrency Slippage:

1. Prices can change rapidly, especially for smaller or less-liquid tokens. As a result, your order may not be filled at the exact price you expect, leading to slippage.

2. **Order Size:** The size of your trade can also impact slippage. Larger trades may be more likely to experience slippage because they can exhaust the available liquidity at a specific price point, causing the price to move against your desired entry or exit point.

3. **Liquidity:** Liquidity is the ability to buy or sell an asset without causing a significant price change. Highly liquid cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum tend to have less slippage, while less-liquid tokens can experience more significant slippage, particularly for large trades.

4. **Latency:** The speed at which your order is executed can affect slippage. In fast-moving markets, delays in order execution can result in getting a different price than anticipated.

How to Mitigate Slippage:

1. **Use Limit Orders:** Limit orders allow you to specify the exact price at which you want to buy or sell a cryptocurrency. They will only execute at your specified price or a better one, reducing the risk of slippage.

2. **Avoid Market Orders:** Market orders are executed at the current market price and are more likely to experience slippage, especially during volatile periods. Use them with caution.

3. **Check Order Books:** Before placing a trade, look at the order book to assess the depth of the market. This will give you an idea of the available liquidity at various price levels.

4. **Trade on Liquid Exchanges:** Choose exchanges with higher trading volumes and liquidity, as they typically have lower slippage. These exchanges often offer tighter bid-ask spreads.

5. **Trade During Low-Volatility Times:** If possible, execute your trades during periods of lower market volatility to reduce the likelihood of slippage.

6. **Diversify Your Portfolio:** Spreading your investments across multiple cryptocurrencies can help mitigate the impact of slippage on your overall portfolio.


Cryptocurrency slippage is an inherent part of trading in volatile markets. Understanding its causes and how to mitigate it is essential for investors. By using limit orders, assessing liquidity, and trading on reputable exchanges, you can minimize the impact of slippage on your cryptocurrency investments. Additionally, being aware of market conditions and choosing the right time to execute your trades can further help you manage this risk effectively.

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